TP.SK108.PB801 Software Firmware Download

TP.SK108.PB801 Software Firmware Download Universal TP.SK108.PB801 LCD TV board TV motherboard The lcd board TP.SK108.PB801 features a high definition lcd display which can be used with lcd display. it is not only a tv board, but also a tv board Resolution…


T-CON Introduction and Maintenance Issues

T-CON Introduction and Maintenance Issues T-CON board is also called logic board or control board. T-CON is the English abbreviation for Timming Controller, which means timing control circuit. There are not many T-CON boards in China now, CRT TV has decades…


Understanding the Power Button PMIC and CPU

Understanding the Power Button PMIC and CPU A schematic diagram showing the design of the power button, PMIC, and CPU reveals the important connections between these components. The backlines connecting the PMIC and the CPU provide the current required to power…