Classpro UDL55MH UHD Smart Android TV How to Reset

Classpro UDL55MH UHD Smart Android TV How to Reset

Classpro UDL55MH UHD Smart Android TV How to Reset

Brand : UDL55MH–Classpro 55 Inch 4K TV Android Smart

Your Smart Android LED TV UDL55MH Hang Logo No need to worry Software zone is there to help you Now you do not need to install software, you can recover the software again by doing a master reset With very simple steps you can master reset your tv Follow my steps and your TV will be back to normal

Follow steps

Unplug tv power And try pressing the volume + button and manu button from the side touch button and apply main power Factory setting which will happen on the screen and click on master reset After 10 to 15 minutes your TV will also be resetset to default

Usb updatable software firmware available  Contact us


This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Md Rafi

    Dear sir I have a classpro smart tv Spk55uhd
    When I am start tv it’s go bootebul mode and ask update file like file asking plz provide me this file and Solutions this problam.

    1. softwarezone

      Hi, You misspelled the model number of the LCD And there is no such update file This file is not there This type of file is maintained inside the software. If you can’t reset your TV, then you need to update the software

  2. Shafaq

    I have a Class Pro TV model
    CKN-49FS and I need to update, knowing that it is not possible from the TV itself

  3. Roy

    Hello All I have also ClassPro SPK55UHD when we power on it will automatic Android logo stuck I try to Factory Reset still going to reboot.. any help

    1. softwarezone

      The reset process for this model of ClassPro will take about half an hour. Try the reset process again and see if the problem remains the same. after that Rem is bad

  4. abdul

    hi all i have classpro model UDL65MH where i can download the update file ? to upgrade it to last version for android tv

    1. softwarezone

      Do you want to upgrade Android version of your Smart LED TV?

      Some apps stop working in our Smart LED TV so we start looking for new upgrade version software firmware Companies have to sell their new model tv, so they do not make upgrade version software for the old TVs that have been sell.

      If the company gives a new update version software in the old TV, So no one will buy the new model TV

      The software you find on websites is only update, no upgraded version

      This software is installed so that if any problem has come in your TV or it has started hanging, then you can recover your tv by installing this software now.


      Some Chinese smart Android boards have version update software Those software are customized and only Chinese software engineers can do that. Not every TV has an Android version upgrade.

      If YouTube or any other app is not working in your Smart LED TV, So you can go to the app’s page through this link, from there you can download and install the application as per your wish.

  5. Altom

    Hi, I have a Class Pro EGS50UHD Smart TV, its vertual keyboard doesn’t come up! I tried factory reset from settings, it did the reset, but the problem of the keybowrd is still there, and I can’t get past the setup screen after choosing language and country it is asking to set up a pin code. I am using an android remote so no number pads on it. tried connecting a wired and wireless keyboard but still not typing on sceen!

    Any suggestions?!

    1. softwarezone

      I am very glad that you have tried to state your issue with complete detail. Thanks
      Now this will solve your issue go to recovery setting and do master reset then set partition recover for that i am attaching 2 files You will try both the files one by one, whatever will support your set, the recovery option will be shown in front.
      File 1
      File 2
      Copy these files to USB and attach it to the TV, press and hold volume positive button on the remote and plugin power

    2. Ahmad

      How i reset class pro lcd

  6. حسين

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    أخوكم حسين من السعودية
    مشكلتي باختصار((عندي تلفزيون شاشة CLASS )) BRAND CLASS PRO UHD ANDROID SMART LED TV

    نموذج UDL55MH

    فصلت التلفزيون من الطاقه الكهربائية وبعد ساعه أتيت شغلت التلفزيون
    لم يظهر شي …فقط شاشة سوداء
    ولمدة يومين نفس المشكلة …حاولت بالريموت كنترول ومن ازرار الشاشه وللأسف بدون فائدة
    أرجوكم ساعدوني في حل المشكلة

  7. baqlawi

    How may I Factory Reset my LED ClassPro TV model CGS55UHD?

  8. AYMN


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